Thursday, 24 May 2018

It was a long day working on the Huckleberry, but we got a lot done. The hull is finally starting to take shape, and it actually resembles a boat.

I had some difficulty attaching the sides of the hull. It was a really tight bend and put a lot of force on the stem. On the first try, the stem wasn't secured enough and shifted. For the next attempt, I made a jig that secured the stem in place, and attached small battens down the sides of the stem to act as a guide. I also rigged up a stand using 2X4s and a few clamps to hold the hull side level with the boat floor.

I am constructing the boat using a modified stitch and glue method. Since it is a flat bottom boat with vertical sides, I am holding everything in place with screws. I will then fill in the gaps with epoxy, and remove the screws before forming my fillets and fiberglassing.

Yesterday, I laminated the transom. Today, I trimmed it to size. I still need to cut the arc along the top. Hopefully, I will have attached tomorrow.

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